The only other highlights beside our Dusted Skipper was a Buckeye and a Roadside Skipper. Every year is different! I remember one year we saw lots of Roadside Skippers. Weather and timing is everything.
I went out this evening again despite the less than ideal weather. It was quite cool today and somewhat rainy, but the evening was nice. The morning was dead calm as I sat alongside the St. Clair River before work watching several Forster's Terns, or whatever else went by.
Highlight this evening was a Striped Hairstreak, a first for the year. They are not the most abundant hairstreak around here, but I do find them. This was at McKeough CA where I usually get them.
The only other hairstreak was a single Banded at Reid CA. So far it looks like another poor year for hairstreaks, although the Southern 'Northern Oak" seemed to have a good year.
Banded Hairsteak |
My Favourite Hairstreak |
Not sure we will ever match 2008 when Common Milkweed was carpeted with hairstreaks everywhere.
There is tons of milkweed at McKeough this year, so I will keep an eye on it.
Delaware Skipper on Common Milkweed |
Reid has much fewer milkweed plants this year for whatever reason.
Common Wood-Nymphs are quite plentiful there. It was the most common butterfly today.
At McKeough, I saw this young Bobolink.
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