Some "filler" for tonight. This is a boring week!
A couple of days ago, I was sent this unique photo of baby Cedar Waxwings.
Donald Pye took this photo on Sunday near Oakdale.
This Snowberry Clearwing was checking out Swamp Milkweed at Reid CA today.
There is still lots of this mikweed out which is highly attractive to butterflies and other insects.
A while back, I took a photo of an odd cattail formation!
On my trip to MacGregor Point, this large crayfish was on the trail at the tower trail. I did not take time to get a good photo though. Looked daunting!
Emerald eyes really stick out! This is one of the Racket-tailed Emeralds I saw at MacGregor Point P.P.
It is one group (genus) of dragonflies I have not really pursued. I am not sure what all we have along the Sydenham, but as you know, there is the Mocha Emerald which seems to be expanding its range.
A current post by Reuven Martin covers some of the emeralds seen in Algonquin P. P.
I wonder if any of these are going to show up this year?
This one I discovered at Rondeau P. P. on May 2, 2013. Ontario's earliest record, and most likely the first known overwintering record!
Maybe some good shorebird will show up at Stewart Wetland this week. Habitat is superb!
Timbits are better than Tidbits!