Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More Scenes From the Bruce

That dragonfly I was unsure about is a Black Meadowhawk.  It is common farther north, but rare in the south. It was certainly not one I expected and one I have not knowingly seen before.  I saw the insect and snapped a quick photo to check on later.  I often do that and sometimes it pays off!  Thanks to Bruce Ripley for suggesting the ID and Bill Lamond for confirming.

Black Meadowhawk (young male)!

The Bruce Peninsula provides endless opportunities for the naturalist.  Not only are there many spots for birding, but the botanist can have a field day (or week).  The Bruce is one of the best places in Ontario to find rare plants and orchids.  I recall in my earlier days that Dennis Rupert would talk about spending much of his time up there.  Often, he and Ross Brown would go there to observe orchids.  Ross lives in Tupperville just east of Wallaceburg and is still doing well.  He has made some significant discoveries in his lifetime with regards to orchids. Some plants are associated with his name and are mentioned in a handy identification guide that I picked up recently.

There is a series of books put out by the Owen Sound Field Naturalists that are useful.

The alvar habitats create a unique ecosystem where one can find some of these plants.

At Dorcas Bay
The Dorcas Bay was formerly owned by the Federation of Ontario Naturalists and a favourite place of mine.

One of the most accessible spots is Petrel Point Nature Reserve owned by Ontario Nature.  It is located near Red Bay off Huron Road.  As a member of Ontario Nature (formerly Federation of Ontario Naturalists) I knew about this fen a long time ago.  I joined the FON in 1987 and have stopped there many times since the early 1990's.

I am not adept at identifying rare plants, so I will stick to birds and butterflies!  I photographed a few plants along my way.

Rose Pogonia

Grass Pink Orchid

Horned Bladderwort

Tall White Bog Orchid with Pitcher Plants

No Idea!

Here are some more insects.

Variable Dancers
Although I can find these damsels north of Wallaceburg along the Sydenham, I saw a bunch at a pond in MacGregor Point P. P.

Appalachian Brown out of focus

Gray Comma

Aphrodite Fritillary on Spotted Knapweed

Saw lots of those fritillaries plus some Great Spangled (and mangled!) and possibly Atlantis.

Monday eve I played with settings on the camera at sunset.

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