I got off work early this afternoon and took some time at one of my favourite (and closest!) places, Reid CA. A number of Dukes' Skippers were flying around. I found some were away from the shaded sedges, as I often do, and one was quite some distance from where I usually see them. In fact it was where the Broad-winged Skippers reside. Could not get a good photo of it though, even though it was virtually at my feet!
I did see up to three Broad-winged but could not get on them with the camera.
Mosquitoes were not too bad today as I got myself into the sedges to look for Broad-winged. These skippers seem scarce so far.
The Dukes' Skippers are quite dark and look somewhat like Dion which has a more orange upperside and a less distinct 'ray' on the underside.
The Dukes' I confirmed at Reid back in 2008. Elsewhere in Lambton County, Dukes' Skipper has been recorded on Walpole Island.
It is found in several locations in Essex County.
In Chatham-Kent it has been found in Wheatley P. P. and according to the butterfly atlas a location east of Tilbury, a long time ago. Apparently one was found last Sunday (Brenda Kulon) in the Rondeau P. P. marsh as I mentioned previously.
Could not get a good look at this one...
???? ! |
I looked for hairstreaks as well, finding many Banded and a few Edwards'.
Edwards' Hairstreak |
Appalachian Brown |
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