Yesterday lots of birds seemed to be on the move. Some new ones at Port Lambton (Brander Park) included Nashville Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Pine Warblers, and a Yellow-throated Vireo. The vireo was a surprise very late in the day. I was following a Pine Warbler (thinking there were two), then somehow I was on the vireo!
Here are a couple of crappy photos at dusk.
A yellow-bellied Sapsucker was also working some trees.
Today there were fewer birds it seemed, so what does arrive moves on quickly. I certainly hope it gets crazy next week, as I am free from work!
The cool weather will continue though, unfortunately. Earlier this week, the upper Great Lakes were still 33% ice! It is a record-breaking event as that much ice has not been recorded in modern records. Ships are having a tough time up there and are quite backed-up.
Things are starting to pick up at Rondeau from what I hear. Yesterday several warblers and vireos were reported. A Louisiana Waterthrush was on Spicebush trail (again today). Some Least Flycatcher are around, but no Acadian like at Pelee. Seems odd with several reports of Acadian there. We usually do not expect an Acadian at Rondeau until later in the second week of May.
The Eared Grebe is still at Blenheim Lagoons, and a Short-billed Dowitcher was present today.
Stewart Wetland seems to have attracted several Caspian Terns this spring. They must enjoy koi!
Single Dunlin at Stewart
It is nice that the phrag has been burned off earlier this week. It was getting terrible. Last fall it was sprayed and killed off, so it will be free of it for a while anyway.
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