Things are picking up, albeit slowly. I headed down to Rondeau first thing this morning to check out what birds might be around. I met up with Steve and we did quite a bit of walking. Unfortunately very few birds had come in, but at least it was nice to be out to try for some.
Warblers were difficult to come by as we came up with only about a dozen Yellow-rumped and three Pine.
The sparrows that came in last week had departed, not to be replaced by a new batch. A few more White-throated were in and dribs and drabs of other species.
By lunch time I had covered the park quite well, so there was no way that I was going home yet. I headed over to Point Pelee to try my luck at recently-reported species. The sun was out by now and we never got a drop of rain that was forecast all week for last night and this morning. Par for the course again!
First stop was De Laurier. I totally lucked out and found the Henslow's Sparrow. I did not know it was still around and one could very easily walk by it. Typical to its nature, it was working beneath the grasses. I caught sight of some movement, then saw nothing at first. I was just about to walk away thinking it was a mouse, but then I saw it.
It was there all the time but seldom seen as it crawled beneath the grass. At one point it finally got up for a fine view as I got Dwayne Murphy and Sarah Renaud on the bird.
I next walked Tilden's Woods hoping for a Louisiana Waterthrush, but there was little to see. Woodland Trail was the next bet and by the time I got most of the way around, I found a waterthrush beside the slough. It came out for some pretty good photos.
I saw four species of butterflies today, including some Spring Azures on Woodland Trail.
Red Admirals were numerous. I saw my first one last Sunday at Pelee.
The next couple of days should be good for birds coming in!
Congratulations on your fine HESP and LOWA shots. I haven't photographed either of those species for several years. I thought for sure I would find a LOWA at Rondeau, but there is so much habitat. And it is entirely possible that there is a HESP in the grassy south campground, but try and find it!
I think this is the first time I got a photo of a Henslow's! Other times that I have found them, I did not have a camera on hand or could not get a good view. I could have obtained even better photos, but I am not one to harass a bird too much.
Steve and I looked at Rondeau today, but missed out on them. Sometimes difficult to find....
Blake, great posting. Good seeing you,.Sarah, and baby Emily! Lots of red admirals today. I found a tree along tildens dripping sap that had attracted mourning, comma and several red admirals. Nice find with the Azure!