Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mago Twins at the Bay

The days are getting too short!  I took a quick trip out to "The Bay" as locals call it, this evening to see if the godwits were still present.  I did not see any at first, the but the two Marbled Godwits flew in.  There was a very brisk onshore wind so the water level was up and little mudflat was showing.  I saw no sign of Hugo.  Some Dunlin and a Greater Yellowlegs were present.  Not an egret to be seen!

Yesterday was a pleasant day (must have been a weekday).  Mike Bouman got out in the kayak and obtained some stellar shots of the godwits.

Also present was this Pectoral.

I am appreciative to Mike for letting me post these photos!

This evening I also walked the lakeshore trail.  I hit the right time as all the hundreds of geese were flying in and setting down the adjacent field.  Amongst them were three Snow Geese in the failing light.

A number of birds were hiding in the shrubbery.  The only warbler I managed to see was a Blackpoll.  Here is a Marsh Wren from the other day.

Another shot of a not so elusive clubtail.

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