A year ago today we had some birding fun with the remnants of Hurricane Sandy. Many of us crazy birders parked at the Sarnia Lakewatch spot. All kinds of gulls, ducks and geese were seen! 250+ Brant topped the list as well as kittiwakes, Sabine's Gulls and many other gulls.
Brant flock
Possibly it was once in a lifetime experience!
This year it has been mediocre up there. Most of October was not too good for jaegers and gulls. On Monday, a few things were seen including a female King Eider. Luckily, I was heading to Sarnia in the afternoon anyway, so I managed to see it. Not sure if it was seen today even though some were looking.
Every once in a while we get an eider there, but the few I have seen have all been female King's!
Also seen Monday were a couple of jaegers and at least three Little Gulls. I did see one second cycle Little Gull Monday afternoon. Also a Thayer's type gull.
Hopefully early November will be more productive at the lakewatch.
I made a quick trip out to Mitchell's Bay this evening. Days are getting way too short, so I did not see much. Lots of sparrows along the trail. A single Great Egret was on "Godwit Point". The last date I have for the Magos is October 20.
Looking forward to checking out Rondeau this Saturday. The campground is closed to campers, and this time of year is good for passerines there. Yesterday a Common Raven was seen flying over. I had one a couple of weeks ago just south of the campground.
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