Birds were rather sparse still but Song Sparrows were everywhere. I have not even seen a Chipping Sparrow yet this year! Usually I do by late March.
We went for a walk on various trails starting on south point. Heard a sapsucker and heard a towhee! A few Golden-crowned Kinglets are in now and can be seen almost anywhere.
Tulip tree trail produced a few birds including a pair of noisy Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. A few Brown Creepers were creeping around today as well.
Juncos are moving through and an Oregon-type male? was at the VC feeder area. Photo does not do it justice.
Another junco had a streak of white on its breast.
Ducks are thinning out, but no rarities seen today. Quite a few Blue-winged Teal are around now.
A Great Egret was in the creek near McLean's.
Over at Erieau, an Iceland Gull stood out on Rondeau's tip.
The only rail of the day....
With weather supposedly warming up starting tomorrow, birds should finally be showing up in numbers. It would be nice to see a warbler of some sort!
Blake, nice photo of the two ybss!