Firstly, I headed down to Erieau Friday afternoon to get a look at the Lark Sparrow. It was there hanging out with two chippies and two Horned Larks. I last saw it at 8 p.m. No reports today.
Lark Sparrow at Erieau
In anticipation of a good birding day, I started at Rondeau early this morning with Steve and Jim, but it was not to be. Although there was one highlight later.
Even Yellow-rumped Warblers were scarce. We had one probable Pine Warbler (in a pine tree!) and a couple of Blue-headed Vireos. A pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers were seen back in on south point. And oh yes, a few Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were around today!!
FOY Northern Mockingbird on SPT
There was a good movement of birds heading west on the lake, but no rarities. Several loons and grebes and bonies. Two decent sized flocks of Northern Shoveler were notable.
A White-eyed Vireo was in the same area as a week ago, so likely the same individual.
Next stop was the VC area and little success there. We did not attempt to find the Yellow-throated Warblers.
Next stop was the corner of Bennett and Rondeau Roads. Standing there for some time in disbelief about the lack of birds, we suddenly heard a soft chip. A Prothonotary Warbler appeared! It was so close and co-operative that it was at our feet. At one point it came right up to Jim. (note tip of his shoe in this photo!).
(note tip of Jim's shoe at left!!)
It was uneventful from there. We took a long walk up to maintenance and back Harrison, but little was seen or heard. We checked the grounds in front of the churches where last night over 100 chippies were working the grasses. However, it was almost 100% chippies! Thoughts of a Lark Sparrow (not that we needed it) danced through our minds. Lark Sparrow has appeared in this location a couple of times in past years.
Being bored to death, we parted ways and I decided to slide over to Point Pelee. Not much happening there either, but I did get some year birds. Firstly a Grasshopper Sparrow at the serengeti tree was rather visible.
A Common Yellowthroat was in the Tip woods. I walked back through the centre seeing little. I heard the chip of a waterthrush on Woodland trail, but did not see it.
Next stop was De Laurier where a Clay-colored Sparrow was seen this morning. While in the company of Jeremy Bensette and Josh Vandermeulen, I saw it at the edge of the parking lot.
We were watching for raptors as many were moving today. Broad-winged Hawks were on the move as well.
I spent the last hour with Josh, but we saw very little on this quiet day.
Butterflies today included Red Admiral and a few Spring Azures.
Tomorrow promises to be a better day for birds. LOL!
Horned Grebes on the St. Clair yesterday morn
Blake, nice report... You had two sparrows today that would have been lifers... Not too bad a day...