I started on the trail before sun-up. It was clear to start the day, but it was not long before it clouded up.
Lots of stuff moving on the lake, but practically no Bonaparte's Gulls. Where are they? Along the trail, besides Yellow-rumped, Blackpoll and Palm were a couple of Orange-crowned, Tennessee, Black-throated Green and Black-throated Blue Warblers.
A couple of Peregrines were patrolling the area on this strong south wind.
Along Lakeshore Road, lots of sparrow flocks kept my attention. At one point I saw a female Indigo Bunting and a Blue-headed Vireo in the mix.
Lots of birds around maintenance as well, but nothing new.
White-crowned at Pelee (Thursday)!
At the Rondeau dock, hundreds of waterfowl to view. Maybe a 100 Pied-billed Grebes as well!
Next stop was Blenheim Lagoons where I looked at sparrows along the edges. No showing of a Nelson's Sparrow this time!
At Erieau, lots of gulls were on the pier.
Some Palm Warblers were at the gravel piles. This one came in close.
Along the R/R track trail were tons of sparrows and couple more Indigo Buntings. Some Tree Swallows were in the cove.
Although nothing new today, it was nice to see lots and lots of birds.
Chippie Trio
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