Sunday, September 2, 2012

Today's Winged Wonders

Wilson's Warbler (lots today)

At Point Pelee today, warblers and other birds were streaming by as I arrived.  The V. C. parking lot area had lots of birds first thing.  Nice to see that many.
I noticed a large number of Cape May Warblers today.  Several were milling about the Tip as I stood there.
Cape May Warbler (on of my favourites!)

Not much was moving first thing at the Tip, so I moved on and checked out west beach.
The day was dull, but some butterflies were still out.
Along west beach I found 4 Wild Indigo Duskywings, 3 Gray Hairstreaks, 1 Sachem and several Fiery Skippers among others.

Up at NW Beach parking lot, a White-M Hairstreak was right at the south end.  Once again, this one did not stick around!  Kevin McLaughlin had one there yesterday, so could be the same one.

All along the beach one had to look at warblers and vireos.  There were several Swainson's Thrushes today as well.

Merlins were numerous on this dull day.

I stopped at Blenheim on the way home.  Fewer birds today and nothing new.  Still a total of nine Red-necked Phalaropes.  Two stay separate in the sprinklers from the seven that move from pond 1 to pond 5.  It is difficult to keep track of those seven.  They are constantly on the move.

A Variegated Fritillary was of interest at the lagoons today.  Never stopped though!  Countless Fiery Skippers at the lagoons.

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