Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Report

It was a fine day today.  I woke up early and checked email.  I usually don't check weekday mornings as I tend to rush out the door, but a Kelp Gull?  Sounded like later in the afternoon was best time to check.  Turns out things were slow at work today, so I left by mid afternoon.

Had a Common-checkered Skipper at work around noon--the second only there.  There is some goldenrod around the buildings, so I am checking it each chance I get since it seems to attract quite a few butterflies.

Down at Wheatley Harbour I found the usual plethora of birders.  Many friends and people I know.

Turns out the Kelp Gull never showed, but it was a nice evening to watch gulls.  Better than sitting around home!

Some Lesser Black-backed Gulls were around.  A couple of adults there making birders look twice.  A couple of young birds as well.

A Great Blue Heron got off the rocks every once in a while acting like a gull.
Great Blue Gull

While there I got a call about an American Avocet at Rondeau Bay. It was out on the islands today.
(Photo courtesy Mike P. J. Bouman)

Also talked to Mike Nelson who stopped at Blenheim and saw a tight group of ten Red-necked Phalaropes (!).  Last highest count was nine.  Where are these things coming from?

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