Two shorebirds showed, but we only saw the tail end of them and they were moving swiftly.
the only goose at the Tip!
Butterflies were a bit scarce today as I moved up the west side. I cut over to Sparrow Field to try for White-M. I met up with Mike King, Bob Curry and Glenda Slessor who had just found a very worn White-M, almost not worth counting! Eventually a "good" White-M was found and we took many photos.
Sparrow field White-M hairstreak
I headed over to West Beach and looked for butterflies. They were rather scarce compared to last week. I met Bob Yukich who had been around a couple of days.
Not even a checkered-skipper along the west side! A few Fiery Skippers though. No Sachems either.
I next checked south of Northwest Beach. A couple of checkered skippers there, but not much else. Not a Gray Hairstreak nor a Sachem. A severe drought compared to last week!
Another Fiery
Next stop was behind the Day's Inn. There was a report of 5 Red-necked Phalaropes there, and sure enough I saw them just off the dock.
Final stop in the area was Shoeless Joe's field. There were countless checkered skippers, a few Fiery and a few Sachem and a couple of Variegated Fritllaries.
Time still left in the day so I made a beeline for Blenheim. It has been good lately. Today there were 7 Red-necked and 2 Wilson's Phalaropes to be found among other shorebirds. All the phalaropes in pond 5 were spinning. Neat to see. It has certainly been a banner year for Red-necked Phalaropes with all the reports.
Many Bobolinks were there in the weeds.
Tons of Fiery Skippers and an oddball caught my eye. It may be a Sachem, but not the classic ones I have been seeing. I thought perhaps a variation on a Peck's, but the more I look at it, Sachem is likely. Any opinion is welcome. Likely a first Sachem record for Blenheim!
I met up with John Lamey while at the lagoons and we had a nice discussion on recent happenings with birds and butterflies. John recently checked several locations along the Burlington-Oakville area and found Sachems everywhere. There must be a heck of a lot of them that came into Ontario!
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