High counts included 464 Orange Sulphur, 9 American Snout butterfly, 78 Question Mark, 9 Milbertès Tortoiseshell, 181 Common Buckeye (previous high 10 in 2000!), 588 Appalachian Eyed-Brown (previous high 102 in 200!), 2 Fiery Skipper, 2 Peckès Skipper, 118 Mulberry Wing (previous high 40 in 2001!), 141 Broad-winged Skipper, (previous high 72 in 2010!).
Once again the trend of high number of sedge skippers continues this year.
We probably had the fewest number of counters this year. Lots of area was missed, so it was a good count all things considered.
Broad-winged Skipper
I received word of more Dickcissels NE of Wallaceburg today. I was aware of this spot having suitable habitat, but any time I drove by the birds were not evident. I went out after supper today and two birds flew off the wire looking like Dickcissels as I approached. I walked around the property but did not detect any. I find dickcissels are quiet later in the day, so morning would be better.
Of interest was large group of Bobolinks. they are already flocking up! This flock of approximately 35-40 birds was working the tall grasses on the property.
Rosin Weed
I checked McKellar Tract this evening. No sign of the Dickcissel I had there a couple of weeks ago. Other nice birds included a family of Eastern Bluebirds, Orchard Orioles etc.
baby bluebird
The close pond had the usual Hooded Merganser and a Solitary Sandpiper.
single sandpiper
As I drove away along the pine plantation, a warbler was chipping away. I never got a look at it when it flew, but obviously some type of early fall migrant (not Yellow!).
Three Sandhill Cranes along Stewart Line again this morning. And the Port Lambton Dickcissel was singing away.....
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