Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Follies

Last night's post was just for fun.  Virtually no new birds all week and it was cold.  I posted some photos from the past.  The Western Grebe was one I found off Pinery P.P. a number of years ago.  This week's sightings reminded me of that one.  The Yellow-throated Warbler was courtesy of Josh Bouman.
I drove around this evening putting more wear and tear on the car and wasting more gas.  I drove some of the back roads I used to check out frequently when there were pastures all over.  It used to be fun as there were lots of birds to see, but that is a thing of the past.  A lot of mud now. With the price and value of farmland now, farmers are cutting down every stick of vegetation at an alarming rate.  This past year is the worst I have seen it!
I encountered a couple of pairs of Eastern Bluebirds. A male is shown here.

I noted that Savannah and Vesper Sparrows really have not arrived in numbers--or where are they?
The only warblers I encountered were a couple of Yellow-rumped and a FOY Yellow at Seager Park along the St. Clair R.  Saw some Eastern Meadowlarks.

At McKeough CA I tried some flight shots of a Northern Harrier which turned out fairly decent.  Photos always turn out fuzzy on the blog for some reason.  I have tried different things, but to no avail in getting the photos to come up clearer on the blog.

The weather forecast has improved a bit for the weekend, but it will be darn cold.  I do not expect a lot of birds, but hopefully some of quality will turn up.

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