Friday, March 9, 2012

March of the Early Birds

Yet another week has blown by, literally.  It was very windy all week.  Some warm SW winds brought some early migrants to Ontario.  As expected Eastern Phoebes showed up, as well as some other birds.  Very warm temps are predicted for later this weekend, so be on the lookout!

Surprises do occur in March, and the Smew at Long Point yesterday was interesting.  Looks like it is a different bird than than the previous Lake Ontario one.  I only hope it works its way down to Rondeau area!
Early birds are neat to find, such as the record-early Le Conte's Sparrow I saw at Erieau March 10, 2007.  Exactly five years ago! It was a good spring for Ammodramus sparrows as a week later, Adam Pinch found a record-early Henslow's at Point Pelee.  Coincidentally, I was driving through the park when Adam found it.  As I approached the Tip parking lot, I saw Adam peddling his bicycle up the road at a rapid pace.  He assumed I would think he was crazy when he told me about the sparrow.  He took me to the spot, and there was a Henslow's Sparrow on West Beach Trail.  Snow was still on the ground.  Photos were taken.
A Pelee record-early Le Conte's was found that week as well I do recall.


Lots of Tundra Swans were around today.  Robins were everywhere and quite a few Northern Harriers were moving around.  Something good has to be out there, in this neck of the woods.  Someone just has to find it!  (It will not  be me) LOL.

Sunset along the St. Clair today

McKeough Floodway

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