Sunday, November 13, 2011

Eider Down

I had to call this blog post something!  Very few birds yet again today, but the highlight was a young male King Eider at the Tip of Point Pelee.  We (Marianne Balkwill, Steve Pike, Alan Wormington, myself) saw a large duck flying down the east side and luckily it set down on the water.  For some reason we had to look at it for some time to decide it was a King.
I have not had much experience with eiders but have only seen King Eiders (either young males or females) at Point Edward, Point Pelee, near Rondeau and at Etobicoke (CSS Park).  I think females are tougher to ID between King and Common, but males are not all that difficult really if you get a good view.
Today's bird stayed for some time before taking off.  It is not often we see this species down our way.
Not a King Eider

The relentless strong south winds continued today, hopefully pushing some rarities up our way.  There are lots of things over in Wisconsin and Minnesota and some in northern Michigan, but not here.  As in the past, when it finally gets cold, there should be some good birding!

The Niagara River looked decent today, however I hate spending most of my time driving highways to get to places.  Niagara is a 7 hour round-trip from Wallaceburg!  Perhaps I will spend a weekend there soon.  I used to go every year just for the experience.  I think the best I have done is 11 or 12 species of gulls plus the other things there.

I left Pelee earlier than I had hoped today, as there simply was not much to see.  By the time I got to Tilbury, Steve Pike called me to say he located a Black-legged Kittiwake at Sturgeon Creek.
Kittiwake at Erieau a few years ago

I would have gone to look if I had been in the area, but I had already seen one this fall.
 Not a Kittiwake

Lots of Pipits and Horned Larks were out in the onion fields.  Pipits were even sitting on hydro wires.  I had to give a second take with the first one I looked at as I did not expect a Pipit on a wire!

Odds are we will get some good birds out of these weird winds, but this week is still supposed to be warm. Something to look forward to, I guess.....
Regarding yesterday's incredible discovery of a Lucy's Warbler in Michigan, photos and story on Karl Overman's site:

1 comment:

  1. If these relentless winds over the next 4-5 days don't blow in something crazy, I don't know what will...
