Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Bittersweet Day?

I don't know what to call today's blog.  It was my birthday today and I was hoping for a good bird to top it off.  With this strange weather continuing, not much was around.  I went to Point Pelee again on the strong south wind.
I met some of the usual birders there, and we checked out what was moving.  It was a decent loon day with over 250 Common Loons on the move.  No other loon species though.  Not much else to mention really.
While there, a fresh American Painted Lady stopped by, and even set down on my pant leg.  It is quite late for this species and perhaps record late for there.
American Painted Lady

I found another, rather worn, up West Beach Trail.
The same butterfly species were around as yesterday, but not quite in the number.
A large flock of starlings was swirling around the Tip area first thing this morning.  Has anyone seen that video Murmuration of Starlings that has been on the internet the last couple of days? That was taken in Ireland and quite an impressive sight.
Starling Video

It looks like a windy week and unseasonably mild (yet again!) to start.  Wednesday looks like an excellent day to be at the Tip of Pelee.  As usual it will be a weekday.....


  1. Happy birthday Blake!

    How far out were the loons? Scope views only?

  2. Dwayne,

    All distances! Close, far, overhead, etc. Most were coming down east side, heading due south.
