Monday, October 10, 2011

More Photos from Pelee

Although birding was very slow this weekend, some birds were plentiful such as Blue Jays and Double-crested Cormorants.  Thousands of jays were attempting to head off the Tip.

Cormorants were coming in droves. Sunday morning a big feeding frenzy was off East Beach.

Black Walnut trees are producing a bumper crop this year. In the campground all you could hear were walnuts hitting the shelter roofs or the ground.

Some more butterflies:
Silver-spotted Skipper

white female form of Orange Sulphur

Today, I just went for a walk at Rondeau and then checked the lagoons.  Again things were quiet, but at least there were some passerines to look at (compared to Pelee).  A few Yellow-rumped and Blackpoll were around, and a single Black-throated Green and two female Black-throated Blues.  The lone vireo was a Blue-headed.  Lots of Brown Creepers and both kinglets were in.

At Blenheim I found the lagoons full of Ruddy Ducks.  Perhaps 450?  A few yellowlegs were in the sprinkler cells.

Butterflies included a worn Viceroy (getting late) a Bronze Copper, a couple of Fiery Skippers and numerous Buckeyes.  Many of those were the dark form, or Rosa form. The underside is reddish.  These were very active and would not pose for photos!


  1. Blake, I was wondering what those tennis-ball looking trees were! Great pics. Too bad there weren't more birds this last weekend.

  2. Never seen the dark Buckeyes before. Very cool!

  3. I wonder if we are going to have some record late butterflies this fall with all this warm weather?
