The usual wintering 7 or 8 Tundra Swans were off ICI.
Speaking of Tundra Swans, I got a call from Eric Fields of some in a field just south of Wallaceburg this afternoon. I decided to go out and look. I counted 103! They blend in well with all this snow.
Out of curiosity, I drove around by Walpole Island and caught sight of ten coming off St. Anne's Island, then another 12 over the Walpole bridge heading south. Obviously these must be early spring migrants as we just had the harshest winter in over a decade and they were not around previously.
Gulls have appeared at Erieau as Jim Burk reports a number of Ring-billed Gulls.
Perhaps Red-winged Blackbirds are thinking of spring as well. Jim reported a couple singing near Rondeau this morning, and I saw one in south Lambton County.
I was watching the skies again today and saw two adult Bald Eagles over the house! One shown above.

I think Marianne likes planes, so I must include some of these.
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