As I headed down to Rondeau this morning, a spectacular sunrise was developing. I thought things were off to an interesting start, but the sunrise turned out to be the highlight of the day!

I saw less than 20 birds on south point trail, discounting ducks and gulls out on the lake. Lots of Red-breasted Mergansers were moving today.
More birds were at the north end of the park. At the traffic circle near the campground, I noticed a large flock of sparrows. Amongst them, I had a brief look at a Nashville Warbler, looking colourful in the prairie grass.
We have Nashvilles quite often into late November and perhaps early December. I know the record late will be tough to beat, as I found one on a cold and cloudy January 11 1998. That one exhibited characteristics of the western subspecies.
Back to the sparrows, there were lots of Tree Sparrows and Juncos. As well at least six Field Sparrows were with them and I also spotted a single White-throated and a White-crowned.
In the campground, birds of note included a Fox Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, a noisy Yellow-bellied Sapsucker a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and some Golden-crowned Kinglets.
A single Yellow-rumped Warbler was along the maintenance fence.
I checked other spots in the Rondeau area but nothing of note came to light.
No Cave Swallows (yet).
I checked other spots in the Rondeau area but nothing of note came to light.
No Cave Swallows (yet).
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