Lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers and kinglets. The only different warbler was a male Black-throated Blue on south point trail. It is getting late for that species, but the latest date I have there is November 8. Almost forgot that we did see a Nashville foraging in the dogwoods.
A couple of Blue-headed Vireos were around. They get very yellow-looking this time of year it seems, so they really stand out.
More sparrows and Hermit Thrushes were in. I noticed lots getting off the road when I drove in this morning. I heard a Fox Sparrow, but have not seen any yet. They have not yet appeared in any numbers.
The first Pine Siskins were flying around. We saw one and probably heard another. They will be scarce this year. As well, Purple Finches have shown up.
Notably, there were lots of Eastern Bluebirds flying overhead. We probably saw/heard well over 50, but it was hard to tell which ones were circling around.
The Bay is full of ducks. A lot of Wigeon have come in. I did not spend much time looking them over.

Over at Blenheim Lagoons (yes they have reopened!), many Dunlin were around the edges. Other shorebirds included a Killdeer, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, one Long-billed Dowitcher and a late Stilt Sandpiper. An immature Black-crowned Night-Heron was along pond one. It may stay for a while.
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