Today I went to Point Pelee for a change. As usual, the weather forecast was wrong and it rained most of the morning. It was a light rain, but certainly put a damper on plans to look for butterflies later. The sun did come out at lunch time though and it was rather warm. Some butterflies were out by then.
Driving into the park one cannot help but dodge Wild Turkeys. It seems the park is getting over-run with them. I saw them every place I went today!
There was still a good variety of warblers (I tallied 22 species for the day). As expected, Blackpoll and Wilson's were the most common. One Yellow-rumped was still around, as well as a Blue-winged.
On West Beach Trail, about midway, I came across a female Connecticut Warbler. This was the first one I have seen in at least four years! It was elusive and hard to photograph.
Butterflies included a couple of fresh Spicebush Swallowtails, a Pearl Crescent, a Monarch and an American Painted Lady. These of course were in the afternoon when the sun was out.
At the old maintenance compound, I watched a Yellow-breasted Chat. It was wet from the rain. It is likely nesting in the area.
While waiting at De Laurier in the rain, I heard a Pine Siskin fly over. I guess every place still has some!
I saw both types of Cuckoos today. The only three Yellow-billed I saw were all together early in the morning.
On my way home I stopped at Hillman Marsh to behold a spectacle of Black-bellied Plover. There were likely 2000! At one point, everything got up for some unknown reason and half of them left. There were about 25 Whimbrel among everything else.
Hillman Shorebird Cell with thousands of birds
(this was after half had left!)
Cool re: Wild Turkeys. I have yet to see one here!