Wednesday, March 5, 2025

River Runs and Other Rambles

 I have been spending most of my spare time along the St. Clair River, although I did get to Rondeau on March 2.  That was a nice sunny morning and I walked the campground.....carefully.  It was icy!

A good number of birds were at the north end, including a single Yellow-rumped Warbler.  It may be the only one around there from this winter!

I drove some back roads on the way home, but did not see much.  I swung by Stefina Line to look for the wintering Wilson's Snipe.  Often it is not seen, but this time it was out in view!  Lighting bad that time of day though.

This is a known wintering spot ever since I can remember.

The Northern Shrike was nearby, but out of camera range.  I also saw another shrike along Harwich Road.

The last three days, I have checked out the St. Clair River for lack of anywhere else to go.  The river has opened right up with the mild weather, so things are spread out.  Mainly just the usuals.

Fawn Island area:

Yesterday and today, puddle ducks have come in, including American Wigeon, Northern Pintail and Gadwall.  Lots of Ring-billed Gulls too!  Not to mention Killdeer and blackbirds.

wigeons on ice (mallard too!)

Lots of Ring-necked Ducks lately!

Yesterday, I did come across one of the hybrid Redhead X Ring-necked Ducks.  Might be a different one, since the head colour is more red than a previous one I saw.

This morning was not much different, but I did see some pintail, wigeon and even a pair of Northern Shovelers which were new.

American Wigeon pair

This merganser got tangled up with something!

This afternoon was quite balmy, so I took a long walk at Reid CA.  Lots of blackbirds are now in, as well as American Robins.

A couple of scenes:

It is the time of year Sugar Maples are tapped.  While going through old photos the past week or so I came across this one.  It was at Upper Canada Village during a family visit when my uncle lived in Prescott.

Nothing to do with nature, but recently a story about my mother was published.  It is just such a cool story, I had to share here.  Thanks to John Martinello for writing it.  Just click on the link.

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