Thursday, January 16, 2025

River Runs and Other Findings

 I have not gone far lately, spending quite a bit of time along the St. Clair River and other places locally.  With more seasonal weather (for a change!), there has been more waterfowl on the St. Clair River.

Monday I found quite a few swans at the head of Fawn Island.  Most were Mutes unfortunately, but there were some Tundras.  One stood out though as a Trumpeter Swan, which has been increasingly more regular on the river.  It was still present today!

Long-tailed Ducks are the more common ducks along the river anymore.  I recall when it was a big deal to see one on the river!

And, a fair number of Common Goldeneye.

Afterwards, I drove some backroads and went for a short walk at Reid CA.  An immature Northern Shrike was along the road.  As usual, I was not in a position to get a decent photo.

Evidence of Pileated Woodpecker at Reid CA

Tuesday, I headed down Rondeau way for lack of any other idea.  It was too cold to do much walking, so it was mostly driving.  There was not much around, and some snow falling did not help.

Along Stefina Line, I saw the two Eastern Meadowlarks again, but as usual, they did refused to co-operate for any photo attempts.  I see them ahead, but then they fly behind me!


Wednesday, it out the St. Clair River again.  It was clear when I headed out, and that old moon was shining bright.

There were even more swans at Fawn Island.  At least were 70 were Mutes unfortunately, but most were sleeping.  The Trumpeter was no doubt there, but I could not tell for sure with the sleeping swans.

Later in the afternoon, a Cooper's Hawk visited the backyard.  Hope it was hunting House Sparrows!

This photo I took very quickly through window glass, but it turned out quite well.

Today, it back out the river once again.  We had some snow and it was windy, so I did not want to venture far.

I stopped by Port Lambton first thing.  I noticed quite a few Redhead on the move or swimming.  No doubt the winter weather has put them into the river (the way we used to have it!).  Some Canvasback were amongst them as well.

A stope at Cathcart Park was worthwhile.  It seems to be one of the better spots of late.  I noticed a Glaucous Gull flying around, so I got out to get closer.

There have been very few white-winged gulls this year.

While scanning, I picked up on a Red-necked Grebe!  This species is quite rare at any time around here, let along this time of year.  It was a bit distant, but discernable by photo.

As luck would have it, a couple of seasoned Sarnia birders were only five minutes away.  They eventually got on the grebe.

I continued on up to Corunna.  Hundreds of Long-tailed Ducks at Mooretown as usual, but not much else.  There have not been many gulls along the river yet this winter.  I miss the days of hundreds of gulls!  It may happen yet.  Most are at Sarnia Bay it seems.

Later on and during one walk, I came across a cute little creature.  I came upon it suddenly, so maybe it was surprised to see me.

There was not much else the rest of my outing.  I drove back roads on the way home and barely saw a bird!  Stopped by Moore WMA and never saw a bird.  Usually this place is good in winter.  Goes to show how quiet things are this winter.

Debris Pile!


  1. It was great to meet yea Blake! I enjoy the blog
