Tuesday was a fairly nice day so I went for a couple of walks locally. My old hotspot of Brander Park has changed a bit, and not for the good. The obsession of cleaning out ditches and drains continues. The little creek through the woodlot has been dredged out.
It seems to me a lot of this is not necessary, further drying out the land and lowering the water table. If only they knew how much wildlife they are killing off! Oblivious to that no doubt.
Later, I went for a walk at Reid CA.
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Scene at the old rivercourse |
One can look for long distances through the forest with all the vegetation died back. Some trees stand out.
Not many birds of course, but there are lots of Dark-eyed Juncos kicking around this winter.
Wednesday I went up to Sarnia (did some shopping!). A walk at Perch Creek was virtually birdless! Some winters this is a good spot, but when one sees only six birds in an hour, that is not good.
I drove back roads heading back home, and stopped briefly at Moore WMA. River was a bit high for some reason.
Mussels washed up included Mapleleaf. One of the easiest ones to ID.
Usually this is an excellent place for birds in winter, but not this day. It was very windy, as it has been all week. Highlight was a tardy Ruby-crowned Kinglet in horrible lighting.
Thursday I went down to Rondeau for a walk. It was extremely windy, so birds were few and far between. Just wanted to get there for a bit before the park is closed this weekend.
Drove some back roads on the way to Blenheim. A large flock of Snow Buntings/Horned Larks/Lapland Longspurs was along Mull Road. Not the best opportunity for photos out the car window!
Horned Lark |
Today, I had little ambition and did not go far. A walk near Wilkesport was somewhat productive, as a Common Raven was flying around, and croaking!
Common Ravens are somewhat regular anymore in Lambton, so not a big deal.
Also came across a couple of Long-eared Owls (trailside). Sometimes one has to look hard for them, but these two were out in the open.
I noticed the one had a meal ready for later! Might be a small muskrat?
Some Eastern Bluebirds were also flying around here. Always nice to hear, but they were flyovers.
Also stopped by McKeough. Probably Long--eared Owls around here too. I used to get lots here quite regularly in winter.
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McKeough Floodway |
For a historical note today, here is an airview looking to the east side of Wallaceburg in the early 1900's. My house is within this area, near the top right. It was once all farmland. Over the years I have turned up things in the soil such as horseshoes, nails and other things. Even an 1837 US penny!
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