Friday, May 17, 2024

More May Birding

 I spent the last few days at Rondeau Park.  Initially, the weather did not look good for the week, but  needed to go anyway.  As usual, the forecast was almost 100% wrong!  Weather was quite pleasant except for today (Friday).

Birds were not in large numbers.  In fact, I have not seen a day yet this spring with a nice big fallout.  Maybe those days are a thing of the past.  Variety was there, if one worked for them.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Tuesday I birded around the park, and went out marsh trail in the evening.  I ended up with 121 species.  Mourning, Hooded and Blackpoll were first-of-year warblers.

Quite a few of the expected shorebirds were along the east beaches.

Least Sandpiper

This time of year, we see Showy Orchis in bloom.  I had a difficult time finding just one plant in a usual area.  Not as many as there used to be it seems.

Next day I was up early, as usual.  Birds were scarce, so I did not do as well as the previous day.

An Eastern Screech-owl has been sleeping out in the open of late, providing good photo ops for photographers.

In the afternoon, I had the urge to walk out south beach.  Not really worth it, but one has to satisfy one's curiosity!  There were some of the common shorebirds, including Least Sandpipers.

Still finding lots of Fatmucket mussels along the shoreline.

I spent the last part of the day at the entrance to the marsh trail hoping for Common Nighthawk.  Not!

Earlier, an Osprey was in the sky.

The night was clear as the waxing gibbous moon shone in the sky.

Thursday was a decent day, but I worked for the birds to tally 122 species.  I decided to do an early morning run of the marsh trail.  A couple of Willow Flycatchers were finally in.  Seems flycatchers are a bit late this year, as obviously there are a lot more to come.

I heard both Sora and Virginia Rails.  As a bonus, a King Rail was making itself known by making its characteristic calls deep in the marsh.  It remained unseen.

Interestingly, a King Rail was seen the previous day at the Erieau marsh trail, and again this day, delighting birder from far and wide.

Later in the day, I checked out the shorebirds on the east beaches.


Least Sandpiper


another Sanderling

A couple of Common Loons were far out, and three Long-tailed Ducks were resting on the beach.  Something about those that they like sitting on the beach!  Did not bother to take photos though.

Friday, the weather came!  This time they were right for a change.  I awoke about 04:15, and luckily I heard a Common Nighthawk overhead.  Nicer to see them, but the distinctive call was obvious and will have to do.

I packed up the tent early before the rain came and then drove around the park.  I was a bit late, and only got four Whip-poor-wills.  Seems there are not as many as in previous years.  I could not find any at the north end the month.

I got a walk in on south point trail before some rain came.  A Blue-winged Warbler was singing in the thick of things and remained unseen for us.  However, it was later seen and confirmed by another birder.

Rain started, so I parked at dog beach for a while.  After it stopped, I checked a few shorebirds, including this Greater Yellowlegs.

The rain stopped enough to go for a walk in the visitor centre area and down Harrison trail a bit.  Highlight was a singing Prairie Warbler.  A singing Canada Warbler was nice to see as well.

Rain came again, and I headed up to Bennett and Harrison.  It stopped again, so I went for a walk to the defunct group campground.  By the time I got back, it stared pouring.

That ended my birding in the park as it was going to be a long rain.  Then I was homebound!

Sunset May 16 Rondeau Park

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