Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Some Recent Arrivals/Sightings

 It has been rather wintry the last few days, but spring arrivals are trickling in.

A few days ago, a couple of early Blue-winged Teal were at Roberta Stewart Wetland.  Earliest spring migrants I have seen.  Unfortunately, just as I was settling in, a Bald Eagle came in and flushed everything!

Down at Erieau, I finally went to see the Lesser Yellowlegs that came in a few weeks ago in February.  It likely wintered not too far away since it was so early.

Nearby, the Whooper Swan was having fun in a small pond.  Certainly an impressive-looking swan, but any seen in Ontario are escapees.

Horned Grebes have been arriving in the last week.

Yesterday was blustery and cold, but I went down Rondeau way anyway.  Lots of open water had frozen due to the cold.  Any shorebird types were indeed not happy!

Things were quite frozen at Keith McLean C. L.  

This early-arrival Wilson's Snipe was wondering what it was doing here, huddled out of the wind.

Nearby, a Killdeer was complaining about the ice.

Today started out cold, and everything was frozen, but it was a cloudless sunny day.  I did not find anything of note.  Seems the Wilkesport Long-eared Owl has finally left for the north, as I could not find it in its favourite tree.

A pleasant walk at Reid CA in the afternoon took advantage of the nice weather.

Since this blog has had little subject matter in recent weeks, I have another history note for the boatnerds.

March 12, 1907 was the launch date of the D. O. Mills lake freighter.  Later renamed G. A. Tomlinson, it lasted until 1979 when it was scrapped.

Back when I was very young, I took a photo of this vessel on the Detroit River while on one of the Bob-Lo steamers.

On the return trip from Bob-Lo Island, it was docked somewhere close to Windsor!

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