Saturday, March 19, 2022

Recent Rondeau Rambles-March 17, 19

 On Thursday, I went to Rondeau Park to take advantage of the nicest weather we had yet this year.  We rarely get weather like that on weekends, so I had to go!  This weekend was no exception.  There was nothing of note in the way of birds, but I enjoyed some long walks.

Most interesting was sorting through all the ducks on Rondeau Bay.  Lots were moving on the lake as well.

Seems we cannot find an Eurasian Wigeon this spring!  Normally there would be one out there, but despite valiant efforts, not one has been seen yet.

I even stopped by Sinclair's Bush on the way home, but it was quiet exdept for a chattering Winter Wren.

Today, the weather was weekend-like with fog, drizzle and rain.  I went to Rondeau anyway, but luckily the weather forecast was wrong again and it did not rain all morning.  It even almost cleared up at one point!  I got a good walk in.

It was foggy at first, but then cleared up, so I got a good look at the ducks on the Bay.  They were more distant than Thursday.

More Bonaparte's Gulls were in, and I managed to spot a first cycle Little Gull in the distance. A FOY.  Too distant for any type of photo.

Probably a leftover wintering bird, this Brown Thrasher was along Lakeshore Road.

The park is shrinking along south point trail.  Since I have been coming to the park, much of it has disappeared into the lake!  This concrete structure is exposed more than it ever has been despite lower water levels this year.

It was apparently associated with the old campground which was along south point east back in the day.

I even walked a bit out marsh trail.  The "birdhouse" is about to crumble, a change from my walk out there a couple of weeks ago.

Wind-blown ice can be quite powerful!  Still lots of ice near the start of marsh trail.

Not much else to report, but new birds are slowly trickling in, so stay tuned!

Historical note for Boatnerds.  On this day back in 1932, the original Lakeshell tanker was launched.  It Late in life it was renamed Alfred Cytacki.  A business venture that my grandfather was involved with, including the tug Chris M never materialized.  Here is a photo I took at Erieau harbour back in the summer of 1974!

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