Little to report recently, but the end of winter is in sight! This week the weather finally broke into early spring-like conditions. All that snow and ice is quickly disappearing.
Last Friday I went to Rondeau for a walk. There was still deep snow so I did not do too much walking, and there were few birds to see.
White-throated Sparrow |
Saturday I went out to the St. Clair River and parked at Guthrie Park at Corunna for a while. There were lots of ducks up close, but no notable ones. Seems we have not found any rarities so far this winter.
I did some touring around in the afternoon since it was so nice. Nothing of note though since I do not seem to have the luck as others do.
Tufted Titmouse |
Redpolls were here and there.
Late in the afternoon, I saw an ugly Virginia Opposum in the yard. I have seen it several times since.
Sunday was a fine day weatherwise, so I went to Point Pelee for a change. I had not been there since early January. I only walked Shuster Trail and De Laurier. Not much in the way of birds though.
The lake was packed with ice, but lots of ducks were in the distance, especially Common Goldeneye.
Shoreline off Shuster |
The roads were littered with Horned Larks and Snow Buntings on the way home.
Some hawks were noted, including this Rough-legged.
The St. Clair River has opened up quite a bit this week. Still lots of ice in the lower river as expected, but the river is half open down past Port Lambton. The last couple of mornings before work, I saw lots of ducks, and some gulls.
Port Lambton February 24 |
After work today, I drove up to Sombra. Lots of ducks off Reagan Park at the south end of Sombra. Notable were many Ring-necked Ducks, which I considered spring migrants. Also present was a pair of Northern Shoveler, likely early spring migrants as well. (I did not have my big camera on hand today).
We never get a high number of Ring-necked Ducks on the river during winter, and there were not many this winter. About 20 were at Sombra today. They are known to come in as early migrants during mild weather such as what we are experiencing now. Ring-billed Gulls are also appearing in numbers.
Come on spring!!
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