Sunday, February 7, 2021

Recent Winter Birding

 Been staying fairly local the last few days, mostly checking out the St. Clair River.  The river is full of ice, except for some open areas mostly created by warm water outflows.

Main viewing areas including the east side of Fawn Island, Sombra waterfront, the outflow of OC Industries and downstream from that, and off Guthrie Park at Corunna.

I was out on Friday, but the visibility was not that great due to a light snow.

A good number of gulls and ducks were off the north end of Corunna at Guthrie Park.

Friday I blew down to Rondeau on a strong west wind.  The sun was out, but one had to find places out of the wind.  I first did south point east.  There was a good movement of ducks and gulls along the eastern shore.  Land birds were hunkered down somewhere as there were not many!

I then walked the campground where I found quite a few birds, but nothing new.  Cardinals seemed to be the bird of the day as there were more than 20 in the grounds.

There were other birds as well.

Today was clear and crisp with a moderate west wind.  After a short walk at Moore WMA, I headed out to the river.  Viewing conditions were excellent at Guthrie Park and birds were in close.

However, one could not stay out of the car for long!  The stiff west wind under sub-zero temps was uncomfortable.

Redheads were the duck of the day with several hundred.

I did pick out a male Ring-necked Duck among the Redheads.

Gull activity was rather moderate, but many Glaucous Gulls had arrived. There were close to 20 seen during my stay.

Other gulls included an Iceland, Lesser Black-backed and an apparent Glaucous X Great Black-backed.

Lots of ducks were off Stag Island in the distance.

Downriver, there were lots of waterfowl off OC Industries, but I saw nothing of note.

One of these days something of note will show!

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