Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Golden Day

 Wednesday was one of the nicest days we have had in over two months with clear skies and a rarely-seen object call a sun.  It was a day one could not resist to go out for a walk.

I went up to McKeough and Reid conservation areas, only fifteen minutes from home.  As usual, there were not many birds, but it was nice walking through the woods. I thought the highlight was a Great Horned Owl at McKeough, but as I was just pulling away in the car, a raptor caught my eye.

It was a Golden Eagle!

It was certainly not on the radar for the day, but it was a welcome sight as it lazily headed west.  I suspect it was migrating since they are not known to winter around the area.  It was only my second for McKeough (and the area), as I saw one about ten years ago around Christmas time.

Golden Eagles have become increasingly regular in winter in our area.  One of the better spots to see wintering Golden Eagles is north of Newbury around the Middlesex/Lambton border.  It is a popular spot for birders to check.

With spirits lifted, I headed down the road to Reid CA.  There are never many birds here, but always good for a walk through the woods.

The pair of Pileated Woodpeckers made their presence known, but they never pose for photos.  It is the only place close to Wallaceburg to get this species, other than the Public Bush on Walpole Island.

Today, I went for a long walk at Rondeau Park, but it was quite windy and cold, so few birds.  At least the sun was out for a second day in a row!  Cannot remember when that happened last.  It was just a tease though, as the afternoon went cloudy.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome shots of the Golden Eagle Blake! Always a treat to see those!
