Friday, December 18, 2020

Another Rondeau Ramble

Little to report lately as things have gone rather quiet.  Late today, I stopped by MacDonald Park (beside Stewart Wetland) along the Snye.  I had thought the big flock of Sandhill Cranes had gone south, but I was wrong!  Well over 100 were heading back to Michigan to spend the night.  I am not sure where they were during the day, as I had gone along Langstaff Line earlier.

The reason I stopped by there late today was that I found a large roost of blackbirds late yesterday.  Lighting was horrible so I could only guess at the number.  Perhaps other species were mixed in.  I did not see many today, but did not stay as long.  Blackbird flocks are regular in early winter on Walpole, so this flock was likely going to roost in the marshes.

This morning I took a jaunt down to Rondeau Park to check things out in anticipation of the Christmas Bird Count on Sunday. Some counts are still going ahead despite this ridiculous mess we are in with the virus.  It is an activity that can be done safely.

It was dead calm today with a few centimetres of snow on the ground.  It was actually perfect for looking for birds, but of course since the count is on a weekend, the weather will probably be less than ideal.

It has been rather quiet for birds lately as expected.  On south point, I came across a Ruby-crowned Kinglet which would be decent for the count.  The lake was dead (again!), but I did see one Red-throated Loon off the east side.

A couple of American Robins were in multi-flora rose at the end of the trail.

Unfortunately not solitaire's!

The end of the trail is indeed the end!  A couple of weeks ago during the big wind we lost considerable shoreline yet again.  I remember when the trail was waaaay out from here!

So much for getting to the other end of south point trail anymore!

I then checked out the ducks off the old dock area.  They were quite close today.  The bulk were Redhead, with quite a few Canvasback.  Others were mixed in.

At one point, a male Wood Duck flew by just in front of me.  Other puddlers included Mallard, Gadwall, and American Wigeon.  One or two Horned Grebes were in view (I saw two others off the light beacon earlier).

Next walk was in the campground.  Most birds were at the north end, including a sapsucker....oops.... there were two!

Sapsuckers are quite regular here in winter.  We just need to find one on Sunday!

Also in the woodpecker category was a Pileated.

My final walk was along maintenance and down to pony barn.  A few birds were down Harrison, including the Yellow-rumped Warbler that has been there a few weeks.  As per usual, the lighting was horrible (too close to the weekend!).

One or two sparrows with white throats were there as well.

Last Sunday at Rondeau I did something a bit different after doing the usual route. I walked out marsh trail to the half way point.  It is a bit rought at first, but walkable.  It was not the best day (usual dull weekend weather), but it had potential.  Nothing unusual though.  It was the first time I had been out there this year!

As the CBC's always do, some interesting finds should turn up on Sunday.  However, we will have to wait in anticipation to see some results, as there is no get-together at the end of the day!

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