Saturday, November 28, 2020

Touring Around

 On Friday, I was in the mood for lots of driving.  I started at Rondeau under very calm conditions.  Since lakewatches have been a bust lately, I reversed things and started birding in the campground.  As soon as I got out of the car, a flock of redpolls flew over.  They are in big numbers everywhere right now, and at every stop one is bound to find some.

There was nothing spectacular in the campground--actually rather quiet--but one has to look anyway.  Not even Yellow-rumped Warblers are around it seems.

I checked out south point as well.  The lake was very calm, and several loons (both common and red-throated were seen).

Waxwings have been scarce lately, but I did find some of the Cedar variety on south point.  There are only a few records of Bohemian in the Rondeau area, so one can only hope for those.

Carolina Wrens must have had a decent year, as many of those were singing thoughout the park and elsewhere.

I started heading east after Rondeau, taking in the sights.

I wanted to visit  (for whatever reason!) John E. Pearce Provincial Park south of Wallacetown.  The pine plantation often reveals owls, and I found one Long-eared. A couple of years ago, a Barred Owl set up shop!

Note remains of another owl!

Heading back northwest, I stopped by Wardsville Woods. Redpolls were here as well, but no waxwings.

Afterwards, I headed northerly through Skunk's Misery, then into east Lambton.  A couple days previous, a White-winged Dove was seen along Shiloh Line, as reported by Lori Clancy.  I did manage to find it.  It is Lambton's second record, the previous just last year!  One needs to check those Mourning Doves more closely (saw lots of them on my tour)!

It was one of the dullest days, especially in the afternoon, I have ever seen.  Hence not much photo opportunities.  

There were several flocks of redpolls along the way, among other birds, but at least an interesting day.


Today, the sun was out much to everyone's relief.  The past week was rather dull weatherwise, but most November days are always like that.

I headed down to Point Pelee....just because!  Not much was moving on the lake as I checked out the Tip first thing.  

Near the Tip, a late Turkey Vulture was soaking up some sun.

Redpolls were flying over the park too.  Not a common species in the park!

I did quite a bit of walking, but did not find anything to write home about.  Notable, was a late Autumn Meadowhawk along Ander's Footpath.

Snowy Owls are finally starting to show up, and I saw my first of season northwest of Port Alma on my way home.  No photo though as it was in a bad position.....again.

Keep plugging away......

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