I checked out the shore trail at Mitchell's Bay, then went down to St. Clair NWA. I thought this sign was neat with the physical distancing issue at hand.
Dickcissels are once again at the field east of Wheatley at Camper's Cove Road. No photos, but always neat to hear them.
Blenheim lagoons had a male Canvasback and Ring-necked Duck, the only notables there.
Ring-necked always seems to show up in summer at Blenheim.
During the week, I went to Reid CA a couple of times to get a feels for when the hairstreaks might show. I predicted Friday would be the day. More on that later!
One evening, I just got in past the gate and noticed some dragonflies cruising about. Emeralds! Although I suspected I had a couple there a year ago, I never confirmed. But this day, I managed to get a good look to confirm Racket-tailed Emerald. It is a first for me there!
I usually have to go to Ipperwash to seem them at this time of year. Not sure how significant this Reid record is, but going there the past twelve years, I have not seem them till now.
There were several other common species present. I had Painted Skimmer on my mind, as I have had them there a couple of times in the past.
Four-spotted Skimmer was there, although this one did not seem to be a typical one. Poor photo though.
Common Whitetail was the most common, and Widow Skimmer was also there.
Yesterday evening I was bored so headed up to south Sarnia. After walking around Dow Wetlands, I slid over to the old landfill on Blackwell Road. Dickissels finally showed up this week. This is a spot they nest at every summer.
I suspect more are out in the depths of Lambton County.
Today, I had the urge to head up to Pinery just to look for anything of interest. Odes were certainly on my mind as it is a good place for a variety of species.
Although I have seen Lilypad Clubtail before, it is the first time I have photographed these attractive creatures. Several were along the Ausable Channel in typical pose.
Cyrano Darner, uncommon in the area, has recently been reported there. I am pretty sure I saw a couple, but was unable to photograph them.
Dot-tailed Whiteface was the most common.
Chalk-fronted Corporals were seen, as well as Blue Dashers.
These were at the boat ramp, but I am not sure what they are, as I am no expert and do not have the interest like others do. Lighting was harsh there.
Likely Lilypad Clubtail |
There were several damsels and spreadwings, but I sometimes draw the line on those!
This one was rather large.
JMH reported Lilypad Forktail a couple of days ago along the Ausable. Not sure I saw them today, but I have seen the species before.
There was not much in the way of birds, but a Least Bittern at the Burley Bridge was heard well. New for me in the park!
I stopped by a known spot for Prairie Warbler, and got one right away. I find their high-pitched rising song very neat! Good to know they are still breeding in the park these days.
Lots of butterflies around this day. Some Northern Cloudywings were seen, but not to co-operative to photograph.
After Pinery, I stopped by Karner Blue Sanctuary. It was rather dead for butterflies! Usually lots of duskywings, but nary a one today.
Silvery Checkerspot are regular in various spots in Pinery and area.
Had to make one more stop and walk at L-Lake. Hooded Warbler is once again here. Several cuckoos were heard. In the last week or so I have come across lots of cuckoos everywhere.
Dragonflies here included Slaty Skimmer, among others.
Nearer home, I stopped by Reid CA in anticipation of seeing hairstreaks. It is did not look promising at first, but I persisted, and finally spotted one. I thought is was a Banded at first as I could not get a good view of it, but I snapped a photo. Looking closer, it was an Oak Hairstreak!
Ok.....time to look around more. Soon, I came across another which was nice and fresh.
Timing was just about right for emergeance. Earliest was June 17, 2016 according to my records.
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