Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stefina Snipe to Hillman Hawk to Snye Scenes

Today I planned to mainly drive around.  It was quite cold first thing this morning, but I ended up walking more than I planned!
I basically started on Stefina Line at the creek that never freezes.  Each winter, we have at least one Wilson's Snipe hanging out here.  This year is no exception, and the hardy shorebird was right near the road when I arrived.

Being not far from Rondeau, I checked Rose Beach Line.  Quite a few birds were along the way, but nothing of note.
I did not really plan on going into Rondeau Park, but I did anyway and did a quick look around the north end of the campground.  There were lots of birds around the north washroom.  Included were two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.  The first one clung to a tree right beside me!

Later, I saw two together.  The other was a dull individual but I never got a photo of it.

Many Cardinals and White-throated Sparrows were scratching around the bare spots.

That oriole is possibly dead by now.  Just as well, as I was the only one who could never find it!

I next headed over to Erieau and walked McGeachy and and the rail trail.  It was a very nice day, highly unusual for a weekend, so I had to take advantage.  The two Great Horned Owls were at their usual perch in the willows, and several Swamp Sparrows were around.

After a lunch in Blenheim, I checked the landfill.  I guess it is only good on weekdays as I could not find any gulls!  Just too many crows.

I kept heading west and ended up at Wheatley Harbour.  Lots of gulls and Common Goldeneye were to be seen, but nothing of note....again.

I went over to Hillman Marsh and walked around a bit.  Lots of American Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos were along the road.  A Red-thouldered Hawk was a highlight.  Often one is in this area this time of year.
At the NE beach access, one could see hundreds of Common Goldeneye.  In fact, it seemed to be the most common duck today.

Lots of ice around now. 

Near home, I checked the Snye at the Walpole bridge area which is often good with the open water this time of year.  Later in the afternoon is best.  Lately, a Pied-billed Grebe or two have been around, but I could not find one today.
Just ducks...


  1. Yes we wondered about the fate of that oriole when we were wandering around the campground probably won't contribute anything to the gene pool now! At least it wasn't a real rarity that you missed, just a seasonal one. Been there, done that!

    1. Just one of those things....despite several attempts.

  2. Blake, nice photo of the cute Wilson's Snipe.
