Saturday, July 1, 2017

Canada Day Ramble

I did some more touring around south Lambton this morning.  It was gloomy most of the morning, so few insects were out!
Dickcissels were in the usual spots, including along Baby Road north of Wilkesport.

I walked Suncor Way at Sarnia.  Highlight was an Osprey over Wawanosh Wetlands.

I found this Common Spring Moth at one point.

I stopped at Reid CA.  It took a while for the sun to finally come out, and and with it so did the butterflies.
Hairstreaks were once again difficult to find, but I did come up with two 'Oaks'.

I also found about 3 Banded.

Butterflies and some other insects are certainly fewer and later this year compared to most years.  Time will tell.

Common Wood Nymph

Peck's Skipper

Happy Canada Day!!


  1. See you tomorrow! Hopefully it won't rain!

    1. Weather should be good tomorrow. Blowing up a storm right now (3 p.m.).

  2. Good to see that some oaks are still around. I expect to get back there in the next day or two.

    1. Better go soon! They usually are done after the first week of July.
