Sunday, June 11, 2017

Rondeau to Clear Creek and Some Insects

Today was a more leisurely day.  I went down to Rondeau to see what was going on.  Midges were in the millions and mosquitoes were thick as well!  It is that time of year.
On the drive through the park, a couple of Acadian Flycatchers were singing along Bennett Avenue as usual.
The Yellow-breasted Chat was singing along Lakeshore Road in the neighbourhood of the White-winged Dove (which still has not given up!).
The walk along south point trail revealed lots of Little Wood Satyrs and crescents, among a few other common butterflies.
I walked Tulip tree trail to see the Prothonotary Warblers.  Two were in the first slough, and another male was at the usual location at the back.

Just after that, I got word from Jim Burk that he had found some Dickcissels near New Scotland.  I was going to head in that direction anyway, so that was the next stop.
There were at least three males singing in that field.  One was quite close, but I could not even see it, while another was at the back.

This IS a Dickcissel!

Today I wanted to walk through Clear Creek Forest.  Here are some scenes.

I always check out the pond on the north side of the road for insects.

It is a good spot for Calico Pennants, and a couple were indeed working the edge.

Butterflies were still scarce.  I did see one Tawny-edged Skipper, but never got on it with the camera.

I did find this attractive moth.

Chestnut-marked Pondweed Moth
On the way home, I stopped by the Thamesville bridge.  Here we find American Rubyspot and Smoky Rubyspot later in the summer.  Today, there were some dragonflies including Midland Clubtail (?).

I tried to photograph one dragonfly on the wing, which is quite difficult!  I think this one is a Midland Clubtail.

This afternoon I checked out Reid CA in anticipation of hairstreaks showing up in a week.  Some Long Dash were working the clover.

A single Juvenal's Duskywing was still hanging on.

It was hot today, so maybe it will bring out some more insects!

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