Saturday, January 28, 2017

C-K Birding Tour: Rondeau, Erieau, Dover Township

I had not been to Rondeau Park for some time, so I headed there first thing today.  I walked the campground and found some of the usuals, including the two Yellow-rumped Warblers and the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

There is at least one sapsucker here every winter!

Also of interest was a Great-Horned Owl carrying a squirrel!

The VC feeders were active but nothing unusual.  No sign of the Eastern Towhee that was there earlier in the winter.

Seven male Ring-necked Ducks were notable near the old Rondeau pier.  The Bay is completely open which is unusual for this time of year.  Some various ducks, geese and swans were coming and going.

Next stop was Erieau where I was interested in the long-staying Harlequin Duck.  I did find it in the surf in its usual area, but it was difficult to see most of the time.  the scene usually looked like this:

While looking at that, I glanced into the channel, and another stunning male Harlequin Duck caught my eye!

This must be a new arrival as it was quite co-operative.
There was an assortment of ducks at Erieau.

A brief check of McGeachy Pond dike revealed very little, but it was too windy.

After that I headed straight for the old Dover Township, specifically Heron Line near St. Clair NWA where recently an incredible assortment of geese was reported.  A few days ago, Jeremy L. Hatt ("L" stands for lucky!) found quite a flock of geese which included Cackling, Greater White-fronted, Snow and Ross's among the hundreds of Canada Geese.
Yesterday a pair of Trumpeter Swans was also reported in the area.

Upon arrival at the site, I found at least 70 Snow Geese.  It was difficult to pick out the Ross's, but after reviewing various photos here at home, I think there were 7.  That is the number that has been reported.

I did not find and Greater White-fronted, but some geese were too distant.
Unfortunately, just after I arrived, the geese had a desire to take off for the most part, so I did not get an accurate count of everything.

In an adjacent field, I saw a large, lone swan which was most decidedly a Trumpeter.  It was just too far away for a suitable photo, but I did get a decent look in the scope.

A number of Tundra Swans were around as well.

On the way home, I counted 8 Snowy Owls.  Four were in the Marsh/Winter Line area, and four were along or near Angler Line.

Along W. Lewis Line SW of Wallaceburg, I found 3 Snow Geese with some Canada Geese.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a decent day along the St. Clair River....

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that a second HADU showed up....first time I've heard of one being in the channel, so a lot easier to get a decent pic of rather than at the far end of the rocks, and in the surf.
