Friday, January 8, 2016

Another Filler Post: A Little Lake Superior Trip

In June 1999 I took a little trip up as far as the Sibley Peninsula.  Here is a post I did some time ago.

Mackinac Bridge

Cabin fever is setting in.... I cannot wait for spring and summer! Recently I got a slide scanner so I was going through some of the pre-digital-day slides that I have. One memorable trip was a camping trip that I took in June 1999 to the north shore of Lake Superior and back Manitoulin Island. (Quality of the scanned slides is not very good--they look almost like watercolours)
Of course the trip meant heading up through Michigan and crossing at Sault Ste. Marie. The above photo is on the Mackinac Bridge.
I first camped in Lake Superior P. P. at Agawa Bay, and walked some trails.


I always wanted to see the famous pictographs at Agawa Rock, so that was one of the first stops.
Along this trail is a unique scene in a crevace. A boulder is wedged in there which I thought was neat.
While heading back to the car, I heard several species of warblers and other birds making a ruckous. I knew it was an owl....turned out to be a Northern Saw-whet. I didn't get a photo as it was too dark. The list of species included Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, Black-and White, Yellow-rumped, Pine, Blackburnian Warblers, American Redstart and Northern Parula, Winter Wren, Swainson's Thrush, White-throated Sparrow, Junco and American Robin. Quite an assortment of birds harassing this owl!

Sand River
The first day was quite foggy and damp, so visibility was poor. The next day was bright and sunny, but later on I met the dense fog for a while.
Agawa Bay
I headed directly to Sleeping Giant P. P. and arrived there in the afternoon. I walked a long trail (13 km round trip) to Sawyer Bay. Birds included White-winged Crossbills. Along this was a Ruffed Grouse taking a dirt bath. Grouse seem to like doing this as I have seen it happen several times. I have seen Spruce Grouse at Algonquin as well.

Ruffed Grouse along the Trail

Late in the day, I headed down to Silver Islet for supper.

At my campsite, a Ruffed Grouse walked through, and a Red Fox came very close.

During the night, it turned very windy and cold. I was going to stay another night, but decided to head out after walking a couple more trails in the morning. the last highlight in the park was Thunder Bay Lookout. There is a spectacular lookout onto Thunder Bay. I had another flock of White-winged Crossbills fly over here.

My Vehicle at Thunder Bay Lookout

Pink Moccasin Flowers

I saw Ouimet Canyon P. P. marked on the map, so I was curious to check it out. A good choice! Views were spectacular of a deep canyon. I highly recommend this spot.

Some Arctic type plants grow in the valley since they get little sunlight and warmth.

Scene at Ouimet Canyon

I saw several species of birds and heard a Gray Jay here.
After here, I visited Rainbow Falls P. P. There is a nice view atop a cliff on one of the trails.
The next day was quite cold. In fact, there were some ice pellets! That is why I stayed in a motel the previous night at Schreiber!
I visited White Lake P. P. which had a couple of nice trails. Birds included a couple of Black-backed Woodpeckers.
White-throated Sparrow at White Lake

Later, I stopped at Obatanga P. P. I had been there three years previous, on a trip home from Rainy River. It was good for some birds including White-winged Crossbills, Pine Siskins, and warblers.

Highway Scene near Rossport

I stopped again in Lake Superior P. P. and walked Trapper's Trail.
After a night at the Soo and taking a look at the locks, I headed towards Manitoulin Island.
I walked some trails there, but for some reason, did not take any photos! I went as far as Barrie Island, touring the roads.
I stayed a Mac's Camp on Lake Kagawong. This is a hunting and fishing camp owned by the Kada's of Sombra.
The next morning I took the first ferry over to Tobermory. On the way there I managed to see several birds including a Sandhill Crane. There is a good road through a boreal-type area north of South Baymouth.
Over on the Bruce, I visited my favourite spot at Dorcas Bay, then headed over to the National Park. Although it was overcrowded with people, there are some spectacular scenes along the shoreline of Georgian Bay. I have been there many times, and enjoy it each time.
I stayed the night at Port Elgin.

Georgian Bay

Overhang Point, Bruce Peninsula
Next day I stopped at MacGregor Point P. P. I always stop there when in the area, as it is one of my favourite parks. I saw an excellent variety of birds including a family of eight Ruffed Grouse.
Before heading home, I briefly checked out Pinery P. P. and saw a nesting Chestnut-sided Warbler.

Showy Lady's Slipper


  1. There is some pretty spectacular scenery along that route. Makes me want to do it again sometime.

    1. Indeed. I would like to get up there again soon, but time is the issue!
