Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Greetings

Season's Greetings to all!!
We got a dusting of snow yesterday evening, so it is a somewhat white Christmas!  The temp is just above zero which seems to be the norm anymore.
I did some birding along the St. Clair River this morning (yesterday too).  It did not take long as there is not much out there.  Back in the day when we used to get more snow and cold (and ice) there was lots to see.
No Christmas miracle like an Ivory Gull (remember 1995?).  One can only hope.
A few gulls are hanging around Cathcart Park and Lambton Generating Station.  The Glaucous was back today.

A few more ducks and gulls are farther upriver out of the Wallaceburg CBC circle.  Long-tailed are regular towards Sarnia, and may occasionally drift downriver.  A pair of Harlequin ducks was at Mooretown yesterday.  However they were in an inaccessible spot.

Seems to be lots of Common Mergansers on the river this season.  It is the most common duck!

A good number of Tundra Swans are on the river this winter as well.  Ten years ago we never used to see them in winter!

Along the Snye, a Pied-billed Grebe is hanging around near Bluewater Conference.  First noted yesterday, it was still present and alone today.  Not uncommon to have a grebe or two on the Snye this time of year.
No sign of the three Killdeer along Walpole yesterday. The snow may have pushed them on.

It is time to gear up for the Wallaceburg CBC on Saturday.  Looks like we have a good number of participants this year.  Maybe Northern Bobwhite will be found for the first time in 9 years?
Sharpie in the shadows

Northern Shrike from yesterday


  1. Merry Christmas Blake! The chickadee is particularily festive... great stuff!

  2. Merry Christmas Blake. We had a Sharpie at our feeder this morning. The remaining House Sparrows have yet to return.
