Friday, December 28, 2012

A Frosty Morning

(everything coated with frost today)

Today was a day to gear up for the Wallaceburg CBC which occurs on Saturday.  I wanted to get an early start, but that was almost useless!  Dense ice fog!  Some spots inland were OK, but anywhere near water was a bust.  I went back home.

By 11 a.m. it was clear enough to go out.  There was little to see on the river and you could not pull over anyway.  Too much snow, and a poor ploughing job by road crews along the main roads.  Any snow ploughed yesterday was piled up on the shoulder and you could not pull off without getting stuck!
At least the snow has concentrated birds and there were some nice groups of mainly juncos and tree sparrows.
St. Anne's Island today

Recently several hectares of phragmites was burned off.  Been decades since I have seen this shoreline!

The most interesting flock I found was of redpolls.  A mega flock on the ICI property likely had close to 400 birds.  Some came close to the road, but the main group was  bit too distant.  As well, it was moving so I did not get a good look for something like Hoary.  I would not doubt there was a Hoary or two in that flock!
Most waterfowl and gull activity was off ICI (or whatever they call it since the name keeps changing). Unfortunately there was no place to pull off unless you wanted to get stuck.

Of note, was a male Ring-necked Duck at the Sombra ferry dock.  First of that species I have seen lately.

Feeders are busy with chickadees and nuthatches.

Hopefully tomorrow will go forecast is less than desirable...again!
Yesterday in one of the photos a swan had a neck blue neck collar and leg bands.  I did not even notice it until Dwayne Murphy pointed it out!  I have never see one with a blue neck collar--no idea where that one was tagged.

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