Big Brown Bat near the Tip
The bat, I mean beat, goes on. As usual the weather forecast was wrong and I woke up to a significant snowfall and wind. Where did that come from? I headed out anyway to my destination of Point Pelee. Virtually no snow there!
A decent SW wind was blowing, but the birds failed to show for the most part. For over two hours along with Richard Carr and Alan Wormington, I stood at the Tip. Many Bonaparte's Gulls were flying, but nothing was with them.
About eight distant Common Loons were heading south, and a few Horned Grebes were around.
The only shorebird was a Sanderling, which was jokingly referred to as an albino Purple Sandpiper.
Much discussion was held on various topics including where are the Pipits, etc. It has probably been just too warm for the most part and some birds have not made an appearance.
A search of the Loop Woods, Sparrow Field, etc. turned up a Downy Woodpecker (heard only). Land birds are just plain scarce right now!
Later, I walked Shuster Trail and found a flock of a half dozen Yellow-rumped Warblers a few Chickadees.
I checked Ander's Field and found a couple of Fox Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows and a number of Cardinals. A flicker was also in the mix.
Hillman revealed no shorebirds. I briefly looked at one of the Long-eared Owls beside Hillman just to say I saw an owl today!
I decided to check out Lighthouse Cove on the way home. Not much there, but to amuse myself I looked at those funny mallard-types that are always there.
St. Clair NWA had about 15 Sandhill Cranes on the mud and quite a few Canada Geese. Snow Geese and other types seem to be very scarce this fall. I did see one small goose, likely a Cackling. Usually I will see the odd Snow Goose, but other than a couple earlier this fall, none.
On to another week, as the sun will be out Monday morning.
Hopefully the weather will co-operate next weekend, but then again, not likely!
Hundreds of pipits in the Rondeau circle today, all of them heading west to avoid our brief snowfall.