Thursday, October 4, 2012

Brander Butterflies

Today was very warm so I checked Brander Park after work.  Most butterflies were worn.  There were lots of Fiery Skippers, a couple of Peckès and a Silver Spotted Skipper.  Several Painted Ladies and even a Giant Swallowtail.  As usual I could not get on the Giant, but it looked in fairly good shape.

And a moth as well....Hawiian Beet Webworm (an immigrant):

I have been checking every morning for birds on my daily walk.  A bit quiet all week, but this morning there were quite a few birds, but mostly Yellow-rumped Warblers and White-throated Sparrows.  First thing, a Common Nighthawk was flying around.  Been a while since I have seen one!
Lots of swallows were around this morning as well.

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