Sunday, June 17, 2012

Grassland Birding

I decided to go to more unfamiliar territory this morning up near Strathroy.  Although I have been birding up that way before and it is not far from home, it was nice to see some real pastures and grassland birds!
My good friend Dave Skinner reported on some Upland Sandpipers and a Dickcissel or two SW of Strathroy a few days ago.  I went to the area this morning.
It was no problem finding Upland Sandpipers.  In fact they seemed to be all over the place!

It used to be that way north of Wallaceburg back in the late 1980's into the 1990's, but no more.  For the life  of me I cannot find an Upland near here. LOL.
There are some excellent pastures with all the usual grassland birds including many Grasshopper Sparrows.
Grasshopper Sparrow

Nice to hear all the Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlarks too.  Who knows, maybe a Western Meadowlark is around....
another Grasshopper Sparrow

I also found some Dickcissels.  Four or five at least along Calvert Dr. and the end of Kerwood Rd.

I did a quick walk at Clark Wright CA, but it started to rain. Too bad as I think that is a nice spot.  I heard a Pine Warbler singing near the back.  Obviously on breeding territory.

I headed back towards Sarnia on back roads, but of course did not see much as once you get well into Lambton it is almost 100% monoculture of cash crops, very discouraging for wildlife.
I decided to stop at the old Sarnia landfill and look for Dickcissels.  It is actually a good spot for grassland birds too with many meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows and a few Bobolinks.  I do not know how many Dickcissels are there, but I had at least three.

Eastern Meadowlark

Swung around by McKellar Tract and took note of the Hooded Merganser family.  Seven little ones this year.

Great Egret at Perch Creek

I also went by the spot I found the Clay-colored Sparrow earlier this week and sure enough it was singing away in the same spot!  Interesting since I never, ever come across a Clay-colored in my home area at any time.

1 comment:

  1. Great posting Blake. I went out to the Glencoe area today, found the upland sandpipers, but not the grasshopper sparrows. Great info. -DM
