Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fun With Bob

Northern Bobwhite that is.  I have had that bird on my mind lately with some of the recent reports, most of which are obviously released/escaped birds.  Some were heard on Walpole Island recently by Josh V. and that is certainly the only reliable place left to get wild birds.
However, I came across one this evening at the south end of Sarnia at Dow Wetlands.  I believe there is an extant natural population still existing there since they have been there for a long time.  There is suitable habitat and it is at the south end of the Aamjiwnaang  First Nation's Reserve where there is undeveloped land.
I worked on the Dow property in the spring of 2003 and heard them calling while I was there.
This evening I went up there specifically in the hopes of finding a Northern Bobwhite.  I walked through a suitable area, then turned around.  As I started walking I heard one!  I could not pin point its location, but I walked the path and suddenly I heard the explosive call of the Bobwhite.  It was just in front of me!
Here are some photos.

I have talked about this species before and how I have encountered them many years ago near Wallaceburg and Walpole Island.  I was just saying earlier this week how I missed hearing their calls!  Since I work at a marina opposite Walpole Island's north end, I heard them daily until less than ten years ago.

It was nice to hear and see one tonight!

Lots of Savannah Sparrows.....

I also kept an ear and eye out for Dickcissels, but did not get any.  I have more areas to check though.

Spotted Sandpiper on Tree!