I had to call this blog something! Same old stuff today, but it was a beautiful day to be out--unusual for a weekend.
I just birded the Rondeau area this morning. Not many photo opps but birds seemed to be rather skittish today.
At Rondeau Park first thing, I started in the campground where you can actually find some birds. Same birds though. Right off I was greeted with a moving flock of kinglets, creepers, chickadees, Tree Sparrows and even a male Purple Finch.
At the usual spot near the north washroom, the sparrow flock was in the shrubbery. At least two Field Sparrows were within.
sparrow in the Field
An American Robin was nearby as well.
South Point Trail was quiet as expected with only a few Tree Sparrows. I tried to photograph a gull in mid flight which actually turned out fairly well.
After Rondeau, I headed over to Erieau. One Snowy Owl was in the field the same as last week. I caught sight of another from the viewing stand along Marsh Trail. Apparently another Snowy was down Lagoon Road. In the marsh were a couple of Swamp Sparrows and a few Tree Sparrows. No sign of Marsh Wren or Common Yellowthroat but I think they are still around.
Few ducks at Erieau, but I did see a Surf Scoter out in the Bay (flying away).
Horned Larks seemed plentiful today as some were flying over and I noticed lots in fields. Some Snow Buntings too.
The lagoons still had some Northern Shovelers.
Bird's Feet in concrete!
Up this way, the female Ruddy Duck was still on the Snye. A rather rare duck here especially in winter.
4 Snowy Owls in Erieau this afternoon. All 4 were in the same field just north of the marsh trail.