American Tree Sparrow
Its the weekend, so out I went birding! I decided to do some more local birding today. I usually do that this time of year due to weather and road conditions. We finally got some snow yesterday and evening, so birds became more visible it seems. Photos not all that great as the sun did not appear. As usual, the weather forecast was wrong....all week they predicted sun for Saturday!!
I checked out the St. Clair River to Courtright and found very little. Usually it is peak time for ducks and other things, but this has been a strange year all around. A few hundred ducks were off Courtright, mostly Redhead. Only saw one Long-tailed Duck. A few Common and Red-breasted Mergansers were around.
Common Mergs
A spur and lark....
Snow Buntings, Horned Lark, Lapland Longspur
A Northern Shrike across from Bickford Oak Woods was making fun of a Rough-legged Hawk. Not able to get a photo though.
A Song and a Swamp Sparrow were at one of the ponds.
Swamp Sparrow
At McKeough, more Tree Sparrows and a couple of Field Sparrows.
No owls today!
Some Wild Turkeys
Sounds like a good day to me. And I think your pictures turned out great.