Thursday, November 17, 2011

November Notes

It has been a long week it seems, but Friday is almost here.  We had more seasonable weather today (high of 1 degree C), but the SW winds are kicking in again tomorrow to drive up the temperature.  
We will try again at the "Tip" this weekend, as we are overdue for some decent birds!  With the strong SW winds, the odds are with us that something of note will appear.
Dunlin at Pelee's icy Tip in December

This is the time of year many check out the Niagara River for gulls and other birds.  A Razorbill has been at the mouth for some time now, and many of the usual gulls are being reported.  The old standby California Gull has already been reported at the Adam Beck overlook.

Adam Beck overlook in November

The days are too short this time of year for us working folk to do much birding during the weekdays.  I have a bit of time at the beginning of the day, but that is quickly fading as December approaches.  I check out Port Lambton's Brander Park and the St. Clair River there.  Monday was birdy, with perhaps 3 dozen Juncos, a Purple Finch, Hermit Thrush and American Robins among others.  A Brown Creeper has been creeping around the park every day this week.
The St. Clair River has been slow, but I have been seeing Bonaparte's Gulls every day, cruising around.  Ducks have been scarce, but in recent years we do not see many until late December.

I have here a photo of the King Eider at the Tip of Point Pelee from last Sunday as taken by Steve Pike.  The bird was a bit distant, but some detail can be seen.
King Eider  at Point Pelee Tip 13 Nov 2011 (photo be Stephen T. Pike)

My other hobby of ships and boats always gets a plug on this blog once in a while.  I have some followers that enjoy this type of thing as well.  

Tomorrow is the 53rd anniversary of the sinking of the Carl D. Bradley in Lake Michigan.  It broke in two on one of those famous " last trip " of the season.  Only two men survived.

Donald and Dorothy Langridge

It has special interest to me because my dad's cousin (Dorothy) was married to
a sailor in that fleet who at one time sailed on the Bradley.  
I have several on board photos.

Dorothy died last spring just a few months short of her 100th birthday.  The Mann's tend to live well into their 80's or 90's, and she has the distinction of living the longest.  (My grandfather made it to just short of 97).
I hope I am not crazy enough to still be birding when I get old!

1 comment:

  1. Brrrr! It's that time of year again. So glad I got the Little Gull in Blenheim during the OFO convention. Still need Lesser Black-backed, Thayer's and California for the year though. Interesting post.
